Neal’s Lodges - Birding Destination
A favorite place for birders in Central Texas for decades, Neal’s Lodges is known for its diversity of habitats and viewing opportunities. Birds typical of East, West, and South Texas may all be found within a few minutes’ walk from the cabins.
You can see birds like Bell’s Vireo in a drier shrub habitat, hear Yellow-Throated Vireo singing from the giant cypresses that border the Frio River, and White-Eyed Vireo singing from various habitats. Typically, at least 3 pairs of Black-Capped Vireo nest in dense vegetation around the cabins and up the hill.
Carolina Wren of the East sings beside the Canyon Wren of the West, & Eastern Phoebe nests along with the Vermillion Flycatcher. Rio Grande Valley birds such as the Long-Billed Thrasher and Olive Sparrow can also be found here.
Painted Bunting breeds are on the site, and Golden-Cheeked Warbler is often heard in the taller trees on the Eastern side of the Frio. Black Phoebe and Green Kingfisher are also regulars on the river banks, as is the Yellow-Throated Warbler. Birds seen or heard at night include the Eastern Screech-Owl, the Common Poorwill, and the Chuck-Will’s-Widow.